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Future Developments and Call for Help

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Future Developments
Call for Help



This part will be updated regularly:

In fall 2004, we solicited permission from Christian Century for a few articles. We also successfully contacted some professors at the Bible Seminary of Hong Kong. Furthermore, Chinese Bible International Ltd. lets us reprint articles on its newsletter.

Future Developments

This website is still far from our ideal.


We need more translators, who are either academically trained in translation or in the areas of the articles. We have solicited permissions for many articles which are not yet translated.

Sources of articles:

We need more scholars to be editors in order to search for quality Chinese or English articles.


We would not like to be restrained by geographical, cultural, institutional differences. If there is a Chinese website of similar nature, we are willing to seriously consider any possible means of closer collaboration in order to give readers a better service.


Call for Help

We would like to call for help from Christian scholars everywhere to support our ministry on a voluntary basis:

If your major is translation, please consider translating articles for us. Speed and amount of translation is up to you.
If your major is theology (Master or above), please consider translating articles on theology, or assisting us in soliciting more article on theology.

If you are graduate students or PhDs in other disciplines, you may consider translating articles of your area (if any). We also would like to encourage you to reflect on the integration of your discipline with your faith. Maybe you can share your reflection with readers in future.

Please tell your friends about this website and remember our ministry in your prayers!

If you would like to contribute articles, you have to contact us first with an outline and understand our expectations and requirements. Our initial endorsement is necessary. Please understand that in general we would not accept unsolicited contributions.


Introduction to OCCR


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